Friday, January 20, 2017

फ्री मा नेपाली को लागि शीप मुलक तालीमहरु (Free Trainning For nepali citizen with payment For Tea/sneaks)


Project Brief

Project Name : Skill Development Project (SDP)

Project Number:38176-015
Grant Number:0345
Funded by:Asian Development Bank (ADB)  and Government of Nepal (GoN)
Executing Agency:Ministry of Education (MOE)
Key Implementing Agency:Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Implementation Agency :TSDU under MOE and PIU under CTEVT
ADB Grant:USD 20 Million
Nepal Government:USD 5 Million
Project Period:5 years ( September  2013 – July 2018)
Project Objective:

To Establish a market-responsive and social and gender inclusive TVET system in Nepal
Project Outputs:

(i)   Expanded provision of inclusive  market-oriented training,
(ii)  Improved  quality  and  relevance  of TEVT provision,
(iii) Policy, institutional and operational reforms,  and
(iv) Effective project management and monitoring and evaluation
Investment Plan:
(Including taxes and duties)

1. Output 1 Expanded provision of inclusive market oriented training - 15.7 million
2. Output 2 Improved  quality  and  relevance  of TEVT provision - 3.5 million
3. Output 3 Policy, institutional and operational reforms - 0.5 million
4. Output 4 Effective project management and M&E - 1.9 million
5. Contingencies - 3.4 million

For More Detail :-
In Nepali
In English

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of training courses does SDP run?

Answer: SDP run three months short courses on Basic and mid-level training programs in construction, manufacturing and services in different trades in different regions.

How can I participate in the training course?

Answer: You have to submit application form to Training and Employment Service Provider (T&ESP) in your region. They will conduct interview to select training participants.

Are their any criteria to participate in the training?

Answer: Yes, trainee must have Nepalese citizenship certificate and literate.

Do you provide any priority during trainee selection?

Answer: Yes, the outcome of the project is to establish market responsive and social and gender inclusive TVET system. So SDP provides priority to Women, excluded groups, and rural poor.

Who are in excluded groups?

Answer: Women, dalit, adivashi janjati, madhesi, muslims, people living with disabilities and people of geographically remote areas are in excluded groups.

Do I get certificate at the end of the course?

Answer: Yes, the trainee will get certificate after successfully completion of training courses along with OJT and Skill Test.

What will happen if I failed in skill test?

Answer: You will not get training completion certificate so that you cannot apply for job. You can re-appear skill test exam conducted by Nepal Skill Test Board.

Is there a job attachment involved?

Answer: Yes, Training and Employment Service Providers (T&ESPs) are responsible to conduct training, OJT, skill test and other requirements of the training. They are also responsible to hunt job to the graduate trainee.

Is there a fee for attending Skills Training Programs?

Answer: No, SDP project will bear all the cost to participate in the training, OJT and skill test (one time). Trainees don’t have to pay any fee for the training.

What is the duration of the Skill Training programs?

Answer: The duration of skill training programs are 390 hours i.e. 3 months including OJT, if required.

Can I participate in more than one skill trainings?

  Answer: No, you cannot. 

For further information please contact: 

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training
Skills Development Project
Project Implementation Unit
Kalikasthan, Kathmandu
Phone No: 4412957, 4412958

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Skills Development Project

Baneshwor-10,Thapa Gaun Kathamandu
Tel. No. 01-4490531

यदि यहाँ भने जस्तो काम नभए मा उजुरी गर्ने बानि को विकास गरि तेस्तो कार्य गर्ने गराउने लाइ उन्मुक्ति नदिउ सुचना सम्बन्धित निकायहरु सबैमा उजुरी गर्नु होला

नेपाल सरकार हेल्लो सरकार = ११११

अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोग = 

फोन: ४४४०१५१, ४४२९६८८, ४४३२७०८ 
फ्याक्स: ४४४०१२८, ४४४०१०४ 
टोल फ्रि नं.: १६६०-०१-२२२३३, १०७ 
website :-

Asian Development Bank

जन जागरण को लागि शेयर गरि  दिनु होला धन्यवाद।
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